Friday I spent some time working on the rotation ring and wheel kit, which are both supplied with the dome. So far the parts have been well labeled and complete with easy to follow instructions.
This sure was the right time to start test fitting the ring to the roof because in a few days it will be over my head. I also pulled the dome into the shop to install a wheel ring that attaches to the under side, and yes, I did get inside! Sitting on a cooler I worked the shutter doors and got a little feel for what it's going to be like, VERY COOL.
Today was a big day.
Dean and Lester showed up ready to work and first on the list was getting the dome out of the building where we only had 1/2 inch total door gap, which is the reason the walls could not go on until it was outside.
After shoe-horning it out of the building, the walls went up fast, putting up three sides we then lifted and slid the roof section in place, finishing up with the last wall.
Rough door opening.
Roof panel detail
A special thanks to Dean and Lester, who are very good friends and continue to be very helpful on this project, Jim and I both appreciate it.