That's the story of the last week.
I went to the Cities Monday for an eye doctor appointment, some household chores and Thanksgiving dinner but by Tuesday night the weather reports looked bad so I packed up and headed for Grand Marais Wednesday morning.
Once back up north it took me about 3 hours for track installation. I got back to the cabin late afternoon after packing the existing snow with our new tracks and learning some driving techniques to boot.
I spent some time packing our driveway so I had a nice flat spot to park and walk around the truck. As you can see, there was even some sun shinning.
This is what it looked like the next morning, Thanksgiving Day.
I was going to get my first real test of how well the tracks work and little did I know that yesterday's sun was the last I'd see for a very long time.
My first deep snow test run lasted about 500 feet before I ran into my first obstacle,
this large spruce tree fell under the weight of the new snow giving me a chance, once again, to practice backing up to our garage to get my chain saw. (I'm getting to really hate trees)
I backed down Jim's driveway in a full 16" of undisturbed snow,
and since then it's snowed some just about every day.
Observatory work has been nill other than clearing snow off the roof and packing some trails to it. All my free time has been spent getting our fleet of snowmobiles running, clearing snow at the storage building and pulling more snow off the roof of the cabin.
This will give you an idea of how much snow we're talking about.
It's looking like a long winter.